Let us look at the chemistry that makes Honey! You can read more about this process in this excellent peer-reviewed journal article entitled: Biochemical Reactions and Their Biological Contributions in Honey Bees collect nectar from thousands of flowers: Bees Add Enzymes:…
The process starts with Nectar Collection: Then, when the worker bees return to the hive, the nectar is transferred to the house bees. Once the nectar is stored, it is processed. Then, the honey is Dehydrated and Capped (the excess water…
The bees are busy out in the yard gathering all the nectar and pollen that they can. The competition is fierce! The bees are jumping from flower to flower and gathering pollen and nectar.
Visit us! July 9th – From 3 to 6 PM at the Warren Farmer’s Market!
Today we added a honey super to Hive #1. This will give the bees more space and places to store honey.
Visit us! June 11th – From 3 to 6 PM at the Warren Farmer’s Market!